

In the following, you will find a number of references which include the name of the client and the respective project I implemented:




Development of a pedagogical total supply aiming for an Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

  •  Conception of 20 different, competence-oriented educational opportunities
  • Location: ,Erlebnis Bungsberg‘ (=Bungsberg experience, currently under construction) in Schönwalde, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Coaching and counselling during the participative development of the educational route - "Zeitreise 2052 - Stralsund" (= ,2052 - a journey through time‘)

  • Conception and presentation of the starting workshop with local players in the area of Stralsund
  • Counselling during the development of the educational route regarding acquiring and implementing knowledge about GPS (Global Positioning System)

Completion: February 2013




Coaching and support during the process of developing GPS-assisted educational routes

  • GPS-assisted educational routes in the regional park ,Wedeler Aue‘ as a project within the schools` elective courses. Title: “Following the tracks of Klövensteen - the forest of devils, princes and moor frogs.“
  • GPS-assisted educational route for the higher secondary school Alexander von Humboldt during project week. Topic: The frog at the Engelbek.

Coaching and counselling of the GIZ regional office Hamburg during the CSR event series

  • Development of suggestions for CSR event concepts
  • Development of a long-term applicable layout 
  • Support in preparation of and finishing off the event 
  • Planning and implementation of the 'Impulse 2013' workshop for the strategic orientation beginning in 2013

Counselling and project-based support regarding certification processes

  • Conduction of a present time analysis in cooperation with the responsable employees
  • Composition of all documents required in order to receive the certification






Project-based support in the area of CSR

  • Development and implementation of various presentations regarding sustainability issues, e.g.:
    • Greenwashing vs. sustainability marketing
    • Conception and conduction of a ,forestry conference ‘  with relation to the following question: Certifications as an option for sustainable forestry?
  • Research and documentation of a topic regarding CSR


You would like some support in a similar project or require further information? Please contact me!